Požiare v Kalifornii zo satelitu

Ľubomír Franko

Rozsiahle požiare, ktoré vypukli počas uplynulých dní v strednej Kalifornii boli viditeľné aj z vesmíru. Takto ich zachytila družica GOES-16. 

As seen here in this geocolor imagery from GOES-16 captured on July 19, 2017, smoke continued to billow from the expanding Detwiler Fire in central California into the night.

According to the most recent (7/20) information from the CALFire website, the fire area is maintaining low humidity at night, which has allowed the fire to remain very active. So far, the Detwiler Fire has burned 70,096 acres and is 10 percent contained. To date, the fire has destroyed 45 structures and damaged 6 others. More than 3,000 firefighters are involved in the control effort and evacuation orders are in effect in some areas within southern Mariposa County.

The experimental geocolor enhancement displays geostationary satellite data in different ways depending on whether it is day or night. In daytime imagery, land and shallow-water features appear as they do in true-color imagery. In nighttime imagery, shown at the end of this loop, liquid water clouds appear in shades of blue, ice clouds are grayish-white, water looks black, and land appears gray. (The city lights are a static background created with VIIRS Day/Night Band imagery.)

This animation appears courtesy of our partners at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA). To see more GOES-16 imagery and animations, visit our website at goo.gl/s3uCtg.

Please note: GOES-16 data are currently experimental and under-going testing and hence should not be used operationally.

Posted by NOAA Satellite and Information Service on 20. júl 2017
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