VIDEO: USA zasiahli extrémne búrky

Tennessee Ľubomír Franko

Extrémne silné búrky zasiahli ešte v utorok údolie Tenessee v USA. Silné búrky tam priniesli výrazne krupobitie s priemerom až do 10 centimetrov. To spôsobilo škody na majetkoch a takisto obrovské problémy v doprave. V oblasti bol zaznamenaný taktiež silný nárazový vietor, ktorý vyvracal stromy. Po búrkach ostalo takmer 60 000 obyvateľov bez dodávok elektriky. Búrky zachytila aj nová družica GOES-16 z obežnej dráhy.

This visible-infrared animation from GOES-16 shows the explosive growth of the thunderstorms that rolled through the Tennessee Valley yesterday, March 21, 2017. According to news reports from the region, the powerful storms knocked down trees and left an estimated 60,000 people in the region without power.

This type of 1-minute imagery -- the 1 minute refers to the frequency with which GOES-16's Advanced Baseline Imager captured an image of the storms -- is known as a visible-infrared "sandwich product" because it combines imagery from ABI spectral bands 2 and 13. During processing, the transparency of the infrared band (band 13) is increased and laid on top of the visible band (band 2). The result, as demonstrated in this animation, is imagery that offers spectacular views of meteorological phenomena, such as the colder cloud tops (shown in green/yellow/red) in rich detail.

To see more GOES-16 animations and images, go to

Note: GOES-16 data are currently experimental and under-going testing and hence should not be used operationally.

Posted by NOAA Satellite and Information Service on 22. marec 2017

#Grandine di grosse dimensioni ha interessato Cleveland, #Tennessee questo martedì portando danni alle proprietà e disagi al traffico‎. Siamo solo a Marzo ma nelle plains statunitensi la stagione dei temporali sta gia' ingranando alla grande...

Video: Chuck N Angie Yeargan‎ - Tornado in Italia - #stormUSA

Posted by Tornado in Italia on 22. marec 2017

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